miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

autor:jeff kinney

 titulo:a por todas

por el medio del libro greg heffley y rowlie quieren hacer una pelicula que ven por la tele y para ``dar miedo´´ con gusanos de chuches.
el libro es muy chulo y muy gracioso y espero que os guste

martes, 3 de enero de 2017

I can read about sharks

tertublog in english

The name of this book is Sharks

 Has been written by:C.J.. Naden

Illustrated by: Herb Mott

This book explains what the Sharks eats, the enviroment where they live, the different kind of  Sharks that exist around the world.
The most dangerous Shark of all is the white sharks.
They are hunters and prehistorics, and they can be in cold, warm, deep, and shallow water. They don`t have bones because their skeleton is made of cartilage.
As a curiosity, the largest fish in the wordl is the whale shark.
The scienists still studying the Sharks because they are not sure  why they attacks, not always is because they are hungry.
One day it will be solved the mistery of this strange criature of the sea.
Adventure Time - Penguin